Traditional Thai Massage in Limerick

Lily´s Thai Massage and Beauty

“Relax and destress with any of our Traditional Thai Massage Packages.”

Prices / Treatments

Choose from our Relaxing Massage Treatments, which suits you most on your first or next visit to Lily´s Thai Massages and Beauty.

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Aromatherapy Body Massage
€50.00 per hour

It combines the power of the touch with the sense of smell. This relaxing massage helps to smooth away stress and unknots tense and aching muscles.

Body Scrub & Aromatherapy Massage
€90.00 per 1 hour 30 minutes

It exfoliates superficial dead skin cells, tones the skin and encourages it´s renewal process. Highly recommended together with Aromatherapy Massage to heal and maintain the collagen fibre which gives skin it´s elasticity, strength and keeps wrinkles at bay.

Deep Tissue Massage
€60.00 per hour

Deep tissue massage therapy massage with deeper strokes or harder pressure. Deep tissue massages use firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.

Hot Stone Massage
€70.00 per hour

The warm stones relax your muscles and this allows deeper pressure to be applied during your massage. It can be both deeply relaxing and warms up tight muscles.

Traditional Thai Massage
€70.00 per hour

A richy rewarding, holistic therapy that relaxes as well as energises. Helps to maintain good health and assists in relieving many common ailments. It also helps to attain and regain “balance” in the flow of energy in the body.

Thai Herbal Compress Massage
€70.00 per hour

A traditional herbal recipe is steamed in a cotton poultice and applied directly to the body. Combined with Thai Massage, the herbal heat relieves stress, improves sleep and general well being.

Indian Head Massage
€50.00 per hour

A Treatment which has been practiced in India for over two thousand years. It relieves the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and schoulders.

Pregnancy Massage
€60.00 per hour

Specifically tailored for the expectant mother´s needs. This massage can reduce stress, ease back pain, decrease swelling in the arms and legs, improve circulation and relive aches and pains in muscles and joints. Positioning during a pregnancy massage is critical to the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

We do not offer erotic massage in our salon.

Treat yourself to a relaxing moment with a classic massage

With us you can get a Thai massage. Let us take care of you for a while. We offer treatments from head to toe. Welcome!